Personal transformation services
Are you wondering what brought you here? Maybe you were consciously searching for a spiritual coach or a life coach, or maybe it just felt like a random, spontaneous, unintentional act.
More likely, however, you’re here as a result of higher guidance or your own soul’s calling – this may be just what is meant for you. Feel into your heart and ask: is now the time to face up to the barriers you’re experiencing, to transform your life, to start achieving your dreams, and live the life you love? Alternatively, you could continue to navigate through life under the control of your subconscious and play the powerless victim forevermore.
It’s so hard to do it alone – I’ve been there. But if you’re ready to invest in yourself, I can help you overcome the conscious and subconscious thoughts and beliefs holding you back, to shine the light for you and show you a new, more fulfilling way to live. This is your time to rise up and be successful in all areas of your life.
About my services
I currently offer a fully expansive spiritual and transformational coaching service and the more focused Soul Integration™ process. Find out more below, trust the impulse that brought you here and book your free consultation.
Spiritual and transformational coaching
Spiritual coaching is for you if you want to work through specific challenges, towards specific goals or a wider dream, or even completely transform your life. I’ll help you get to the heart of the challenges that thread through your life, whether they affect your career, your relationships, your purpose, and much more.
Working holistically in one-to-one sessions, I’ll use intuitively channelled guidance and other methods to help you break down these challenges, transform your life and achieve your highest potential.
Soul Integration™
Do you have situations where challenging circumstances trigger your emotions, causing high stress and preventing you from responding the way you’d like to?
Soul Integration™ is a powerful process developed by the THEO Group, Inc. that will enable you to release these uncontrollable subconscious reactions. Maybe they’re rooted in childhood trauma, feelings of unworthiness, rejection, depression, anxiety, fear or even past-life experiences.
A course of Soul Integration™ is the perfect way to dive deep into those harmful subconscious beliefs and change them for a happier, more confident you.
"One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself is to undertake spiritual coaching and Soul Integration™ with Virinder. He has opened me up to finding my orphans and bringing them back home to me, where they are safe. I am so grateful for his teachings, his kindness and his knowledge in knowing how to best help me. I am so appreciative to be guided to him.” Elenita Torres, Los Angeles, USA